It's the holidays now. Spring has come, and my highly-anticipated cherry blossoms have already been plucked from their branches by the wind. It was sad to see them go, but such beauty would never survive in a world so saturated by ugliness. I cleaned the car today. Well, more accurately speaking, I held the hose while some other person scrubbed and did the back-breaking work. But let's just say I cleaned the car anyway.
I'm trying my Zen again. And for the majority of you who don't know me, let me just clarify that a bit... I am not a patient, soothing individual by nature (understatement). In fact, most find me abrasive and very snarky. That I do not deny. However, I don't enjoy that part of my personality. Although my self-proclaimed wit is something I do want to keep, it's difficult for me to keep a tight rein on which direction it proceeds. Quite easily, it could slide into the nasty territory. I am going to change that. So now, I am thinking positive thoughts and trying to smile more and already the world seems a happier place. Actually, that's a lie (which really goes against my new Zen principles). I feel nothing. I just hope that the calm and serenity promised will kick in soon and I won't be feeling so strange when I grin at strangers.
I have made a pact which I am going to make myself stick to. I have absolutely zero self-control: be it snacks at midnight or getting an essay finished - I just can't help gorging a whole block of chocolate or starting to read a book mid-essay. My will is weak, insanely so. And this really was a tough decision, I do so love my TV, but yes, I am going to cut out all TV. And NOTE that I said cut out not cut back. Which means I am eliminating all television from my life... with a few exceptions...
My current list of TV shows I indulge in, all of which I am stopping:
- The Vampire Diaries
- My Girl
- Playful Kiss
- One Tree Hill
- Gossip Girl
- Glee
- Impromptu marathons of ANY KIND (television saved to disc and my hard drive which I will occasionally open and start watching)
I am firm - I shall discontinue them, at least until the school year ends, and then we'll see. But the burden of desperately watching episode after episode and then guiltily realizing no work had been done is coming to a head. I just can't do it anymore. So I'm quitting. I am proud of this decision, but the hardest part is yet to come... sticking it it. I think I'll need some sort of nicotine patch, but to stop me watching the TV shows.
My expceptions are movies. I cannot completely eradicate movies from my life, it is tres impossible. I won't even try. But the thing is movies take longer to watch, so that'll put me off just randomly watching one (unlike a 45 min. episode of The Vampire Diaries). And I allow myself to still visit the movie theater, which I don't really do that much anyway.
So, hopefully, everything will work out and I'll stop procrastinating and my life will tumble, some way, back on track.
Wish me luck!
- Calista.
P.S. I have completely fallen in love with the musical, "A Chorus Line". But I must admit I am an absolutely sucker for musicals in general.
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