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Anyway, my livejournal is my current main blog, but I don't like it. Be it the template or the design or the whole damn setting - I just don't like it. So I am considering moving my "official" blog (again) to blogspot (which I just now discovered I had already signed up to. Oops). I prettified the whole thing, refreshed my profile, uploaded a pic, yadda yadda yadda.
The worst thing about constantly moving blogs is knowing how everything works. Like, I'll get really pro at wordpress, but then moving to livejournal will be completely new and I'll have to work out how to design my template or post a picture and all that crap. So now I guess I'll have to figure out blogger. POOS!
It's Term 3 already and I must admit I'm a littl scared at the rate at how the time passes. It doesn't seem like the year's barely started, nevertheless halfway through! To think, I used to believe a year was such a long time. But really, it's not at all. I'll be going to uni in a couple of years, and I still have no clue what I want out of life. It's quite disconcerting.
I always think I have so much time - but I'm only just beginning to realize how foolish that was. We'll all die someday, and as the lily-livered coward I am, I am terrified of the prospects of (quoting Dead Poets Society) fertilizing the daffodils. I want to live, truly live, freely live, and face death with a smile and a clear conscience. I don't want to creep around for twenty years with some crappy desk job and a weedy perspective of the world.
One of my biggest dreams is to travel. I adore traveling. It's so exciting and new and wonderfully fresh! From the airplane ride to the new cuisine - traveling is heaven. Some people travel a lot, but they just don't know how to travel right. In my opinion, to truly taste the full flavour of travel, you must travel for a purpose. That being said, I think traveling to, say, Australia's Gold Coast to spend a week at an amusement theme park is a complete waste of time. Don't get me wrong, I love a good themepark (and I swear I WILL go to Disneyland - all of them - someday), but it's just such a waste to spend all that time and money to sit in roller coasters and eat melting ice-creams.
Every destination has its own culture, history, uniqueness that give them their charm. And that is what I think traveling is about. It's about learning and experiencing and involving yourself outside your box and comfort zone. You don't want to be like some frog crouched in a well, forever thinking you've got all the best things right here. Sure, your life might be one of contentment, but it's also very small and contained. Why settle for a circle of sky when you can have the whole thing?
When I go traveling, and mark my words I will, I am going to go to every museum I have time to go to. I want to learn the country's language, understand their culture, immerse myself in different surroundings and their way of approaching things. I want to eat foreign dishes you'd never even heard of. I want to try their national sport, entertainment. Because that is what traveling is. And isn't that the best? Learning and having fun at the same time?
Gosh, that was a long ramble. Traveling's just something I'm getting quite passionate about (that and nail polish). But to travel well (man, don't those expensive hotels just make you feel so spoiled?), you need money and free time. So to work for my dream of constant travel, I've got to be able to afford it in style. No backpacking for me, thank you.
So that leads onto money. I won't talk/type about it now because it's way too long (money's another thing I am passionate about). I need a good job to fund my dream. That means I need good qualifications. I love writing, but writing's not really an idealistic occupation for me. Unless I can hit it big like J.K. Rowling, I'll be doomed to smoking cigarettes in a tiny flat, looking out at the sidewalk through my grime-tinted windows and seeking inspiration from middle-aged women who want to tell me all about what they achieved in their youth. I want to write something with meaning, but inspiration will come when it comes. So writing's more like a job on the side for me. I want a job with a salary and can pay the bills.
This first post is the longest first post I've ever written. It feels so good just letting my feelings and thoughts flow through my fingertips. I think blogging is the most effective way of relieving stress and sharing excitement - forget about stress balls.
Anyway, there's - as usual - a ton of homework waiting to be completed. I am determined to get my life on track and breeze my way through my externals at the end of the year. That's really not about to happen unless I get really organised really fast. So wish me luck! I know I'll need plenty of it.
I wish anyone actually reading this post a merry future and all the good things in life.
- Calista.
P.S. It's lifeinaday today! That means globally, people are filming/documenting 24 hours of their life! Some clips will be chosen to star in Ridley Scott's documentary! I was going to participate, but my life has nothing moving or special about, and I'd never get my videos uploaded in time (stupid bandwidth).
P.P.S. Ignore any typos. I am prone to mistakes when I type fast out of excitement.
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