All the goals I made for myself just aren't working out. My room still looks like a hurricane blew its way through and my homework is nowhere near completed. Ugh! So this is really some more blograstinating, if you will. But, hey! Blograstinating is much more entertaining than picking up paper scraps from my carpet (which I will get around to sometime in the future).
I'm currently reading 'Gone With the Wind' for the umpteenth time. Some people might get turned off by its immense length (it is one crazy-ass long book and the printing is pretty small), but Margaret Mitchell was one hell of a writer. I watched the movie when I was really young, along with all my family members, on this ancient VCR and a huge cube TV. Technology has advanced somewhat since those days and I now own a beautiful anniversary edition of GWTW which I can watch on my asus laptop very conveniently, but I guess my point is that this story has been a big part of my life.
I actually read the sequels ('Scarlett' and 'Rhett Butler's People' - neither of which were written by Margaret Mitchell) before I read the actual book. I, too, was daunted by its size and tiny printing. But I braved my fears and bought a copy from Borders, settling down one night to make a start. What a mistake. I should never have started at night. The result was that I only went to bed at 8am the next morning. It was so soul-sucking good that I couldn't stop. I kept thinking to myself, just one more chapter and then I'll go to bed, but somehow one chapter morphed into half the book. Basically, this is a fantastic book which everyone should read at least once, if not more, in their lifetime.
I went on a mega shopping spree yesterday. I am usually quite frugal, so let me just state that I don't do this a lot. But money was burning a hole in my pocket (or my card - whatever) and I had to buy me some stuff. Besides, I had a list of things I needed. Anyway, I really need to stop spending now. Online shopping is an enemy I must conquer. I just can't help buying stuff and then feeling guilty, and then feeling happy when my purchase gets delivered to my doorstep (oh, by the way, if you haven't received parcels, you haven't lived. Gettig parcels is like getting Christmas presents). I'm gonna end up broke again!
My friend, a fellow blogger (although not on this particular site) had recently embarked on a special project. She has a list of different people she needs to write to each day. And she has also coerced me into joining her. So, here is today's letter subject: "Your Best Friend". Hmm... I actually don't have a best friend (except for money, but our relationship is rocky), just a lot of really good friends. Okay, well, I'll have a go anyway.
Dear Best Friend,
You've always been there. Not just in my mind, but physically there. I can't even remember a time when I didn't know you. I'd accepted it as easily as I'd accepted I had parents. You were a great bonus on a wonderful poackage (if that makes sense).
We haven't had a smooth friendship. There's been shouting, misunderstandings, tears. But, in the end, you can always sit me down and give me the best advice. And when the worst comes, you'll be there. This is all so cliched, and giving me some shivers (I'm not really a warm fuzzy individual), but I wanted to thank you for your constant presence by my side. I always take it for granted that you'll be there, but you'll leave someday and then distance is all I feel.
Here's to a lifetime of arguments, anecdotes, Irish Cream, technological issues, firework birthdays, nail polish, and cake. We've been through it all, complete, whole, and happy. Best of luck for the future. You have a bright one and I'll be waiting to bask in your success when you hit he big time.
A torrential amount of love,
Well, now. Wasn't that so sickeningly sweet? It's the truth, but the truth can make me cringe sometimes. It's getting late, and as us tradition, stuff needs to get done. I'll be signing off now. The next letter subject is "Your Crush". Well, that should be... interesting. Until then!
- Calista.
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