First of all

, I really like that song (my title). Right now, I'm actually listening to it. You know, the version with Zooey Deschanel and Leon Redbone. Most people don't know that I really adore this genre of music. It's kind of jazzy, a little christmassy, lovely piano undertone. It's gorgeous. Stuff like 'New York, New York', 'I've Got Rhythm', I really like it. People my age nowadays don't seem to even know those kinds of songs. Such a shame.
Anyway, it's been a hectic day. Mondays usually are. I got up late because class starts late on Mondays, so that was a nice start. Then, I had to give a speech for English. That went off all right, but I was glad it was over all the same. My topic was 'The Importance of Being Rich'. Funny, no? Actually, the whole damn thing was peppered with lame jokes that nobody laughed at. Psh! Who cares? I've got Physics, Chemistry, and Maths homework due tomorrow, as well as my piano lesson. I haven't done any homework at all seeing as I just got home at 8.45pm after my English class. So, yeah. Totally hectic. I just want to rest my feet and soak up the heat from the heater.
The song completely matches New Zealand's temperature. It is frickin' cold outside. I can't breathe without a swirl of smoke-rings blooming around my face!
I wish I could figure out my personality. I'm not completely sure what kind of person I am. I do know that I'm a typical "nice" person. I'm impatient, selfish, speak without thinking, loud. Those are horrible characteristics. However, I am also very loyal (if lazy) and considerably sunny (on a good day, anyway). I just wish I could clearly label myself with black and white adjectivs. But I never really understand myself.
Gosh, now I'm just confusing myself. Better not dwell for too long on this particular topic.
Have you noticed that there are so many out there that seem to think they're invincible? They seen to believe that they'll be around forever. I know that I'll die one day, but that day seems to far away, I just don't want to face to it coming. Ugh! All this dreary talk of death and poverty is really getting me down. I was a little too exhausted today and had a bit of a hysterical laughing fit. Everything is so much funnier when you're:
a) drunk
b) high
c) absolutely exhausted
I was c), and it really showed. Everything made me giggle crazily, even I was getting pissed with myself.
Oh, on the bright side, that book I reserved "Dead Until Dark" - by Charlaine Harris finally got returned (FINALLY). It was due back on the 30 June, and it's already nearing the end of July, which is kind of creepy, but you know...
I don't even want to begin contemplating externals and school exams. I have such a niggling feeling that I'm going to tank on my school exams, it's growing stronger by the day as I realise how little I've learnt and how bad I am at organising my time. There's so much CRAP! I need to seriously relax. Maybe some yoga or meditation would help?
Anyway, caffeine and chocolate just seems to make me cranky or fat, so I'm trying to cut down on those. And no matter what chair I use, I just seem to have a neverending stream of back-related problems. Also, after I sprained my ankle in my hockey game, I went to an accupuncturist. She stuck needles (hate needles) in my ankle in certain nerve points and vibrated them very painfully. Anyway, now there's something wrong with my ankle (that's not the sprain) because if I bend them just so, it feels like a million more needles are stuck into my ankle, even though there aren't.
That was another woe-is-me speech. This is turning into a familiar setting: one I should not be making into a habit, actually. I know! I'll make a list of things I'm grateful for:
1. My family is safe and healthy
2. My house is nice albeit messy
3. I have many opportunities extended to me which may be unavailable to some other unfortunates
4. I've got good books to read (and no time to read them, but this is supposed to be a positive list)
5. I have a heater to counter the cold raging outside
6. I did my speech today which means IT'S OVER! YAY!
7. It's only 10pm, I have 2 hours until midnight to finish my homework
8. I have friends?
9. Running out of ideas
10. Nothing
Okay, that was spiritually nourishing. I'm going to try making a list for 10 things I'm grateful everyday now. It can help me have a more positive outlook on things, and I'll start shedding my negativity. Yeah! Sounds like a plan! Now I just have to stick with it. Wish me luck!
Right, enough with the blograstinating (procrastinating via blogging). It's homework time.
- Calista.